Chocolate Keyboard

What could possibly be better than a nice, big, tasty chunk from the Swiss Army Knife Chocolate? Well, if you’re a computer geek, maybe a piece of this chocolate keyboard.

The idea is created by Michael Sholk, a designer based in St. Petersburg, Russia. Check out the chocolate keyboard and other fun and cool concepts at his personal website.

View Comments (41)

  • Chocolate Keyboard great concept in chocolate world! There are lot's of chocolate variety in market in different shape and taste. We also offer liqueur chocolate at vermont country store with great taste. Celebrate your new year with liqueur chocolate.

  • Chocolate Keyboard great concept in chocolate world! There are lot’s of chocolate variety in market in different shape and taste. We also offer liqueur chocolate at vermont country store with great taste. Celebrate your new year with liqueur chocolate.

    • okey are you american oh mi god come on ated it seems like you are a person without English education

  • Yum!!!

    I love chocolate...

    Mum: Are you on the computer again?

    Me: Yeah...I think we'll need a new keyboard...I sorta ate it.

  • I really want one of those! Where can I get one? Can I order one? I will pay a lot for that where can I get one! That is one of the coolest things I've ever seen! I want to eat it !

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