Chill Pill Ice Tray Giant Ice Cube Maker

When someone needs to “chill,” just slip them a giant chill pill ice cube. They’ll get the message and you wont have to worry about any felony charges.  The Chill Pill Ice Tray Giant Ice Cube Maker does as it states; makes a giant ice cube that is ready to chill-out the biggest drink, or person.

Chill Pill is made of silicone and is dishwasher proof. Each tray makes 2 Giant Chill Pills.

If someone at the party gets nervous when you slip the AK47 Bullet Ice Cube in their drink, just put the giant chill pill ice cube in their next one.  The Chill Pill Ice Tray Giant Ice Cube Maker is available at for £6.50.

If the Giant Chill Pill is too much “Chill” for you, try the smaller version from for $7.99…It still gets the job done!

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