Chainmail Sharkproof Suit

If you ever get the chance to dive with sharks, you’ll want to be protected from head to toe with a Chainmail Sharkproof Suit. This dive suit is constructed out of stainless steel chainmail, to provide protection in case of shark bite. The sharksuit has an extended tunic to provide two layers of armor from the elbow through the upper torso and from your upper knees through your waist. A slotted helix “trap door” incorporated in the gloves allow you to slip your hand out for when you need full tactile manual dexterity.

Even if you don’t dive in the ocean, it is still wise to have one of these sharksuits for protection. You never know when a Sharknado will strike! I’m just saying, if you’re walking down the street and see ‎Tara Reid or ‎Ian Ziering‎, put this on. Although it really won’t help at all against The Meg.

This is the sharkproof stainless steel chainmail dive suit that has protected marine biologists and shark experts head-to-toe since 1978. The suit’s sleeves are worn beneath the tunic to provide two layers of armor from the elbow to the upper torso while the integrated gloves incorporate a “trap door” design that enables one to remove hands when tactile manual dexterity is required. The tunic’s extended length and front-split bottom is worn under the pants to provide double coverage from the knees to the waist. The pants’ built-in stainless steel belt sleeve extends the entire circumference of the waist for evenly distributed weight support, allowing one to wear the suit with or without the included military-grade harness. Worn under the pants, the booties secure the feet with hook-and-loop fasteners that enable quick removal for secure topside footing. The hood provides coverage for the head and neck.

This Chainmail Sharkproof Suit is a Hammacher Schlemmer exclusive, where it retails for $7,500.

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