
Wooden Catapult and Trebuchet Kits

Do you enjoy building things?  How about classic medieval things?  If so, the Wooden Catapult and Trebuchet Kits are perfect…

Glowing Out for Pizza String Lights

My old neighbor used to hang his Christmas lights as early as September (the first -ber month) and would take…

Electronic Butterfly In A Jar

Watching a butterfly in motion is one of natures great pleasures, but putting one in a jar to do it…

EZ Up Collapsible Pet Stairs

Pet owners sometimes like to take their pet on the road with them, but why should Fido have to jump…

FireText Smoke Alarm

Smoke alarms save lives so we are glad to have them, but on the other hand you might not think…

Week in Geek #27, 2011

This past week featured dozens of cool gadgets and geek toys. Pictured above are a few of the favorites: Harry…

Tao Digital Keychain

Looking for that keychain for the hard to satisfy person.  This Tao Digital Keychain saves up to 100 photos so…

Waterproof Festival Survival Kit

You never know when you might get stranded on some island or swept off at sea, right? To at least…

Key Pete Super Strong Magnetic Key Holder

Not knowing where your keys are when you want them really puts a damper on things.  Best way to solve…

Burger and Fries Ear Buds

Are those fries and a burger I see in your ear? Not real ones of course, silly. It would be…