Glowing Out for Pizza String Lights

My old neighbor used to hang his Christmas lights as early as September (the first -ber month) and would take them down around March of the following year. It used to be an inside joke between all of us in the subdivision that he should probably invest in series lights with designs that don’t scream Christmas so much. These Glowing Out for Pizza String Lights would be perfect for him.

Now here’s a series of string lights that are so versatile, you can hang them outside your house for the whole year, if you want. But if you’re on a diet, it’s probably a good idea to hang these lights where you can’t seem them, or else you’ll probably get tempted to grab the phone and have some hot, delicious delivered to your front door. Yum…

Glowing Out for Pizza String Lights

If your porch, bedroom, or patio needs a slice of excitement, toss up these string lights and try not to drool as you delight in their design! Topped with pepperoni, cheese, peppers, and mushrooms, these tiny pieces of pizza are lit from within and attached to a dark green cord for a delicious and durable accessory for inside and out.

With ten tiny lights in all, this set delivers a twinkling taste of everyone’s favorite food – twenty-four hours a day!

The Glowing Out for Pizza String Lights are available from ModCloth for $29.99.

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