Boyfriend Pillow

Valentine’s day is still far away. But already, you’re finding those lonely nights hard to keep at bay. Things get especially sad when you’re lying in your bed on a cold and rainy night, without the arms of the man of your life around you to keep you warm. And while the Boyfriend Pillow can’t really give you that same warmth, it can at least comfort you by giving you some limbs to hold on to.

In all seriousness, the Boyfriend Pillow comes off as a bit creepy to me. However, it’s also a novel item. It will make the perfect gift for a friend who’s just gone through a breakup (provided you give it during the right time and moment; you don’t want to be caught in the middle of some weird bawl or catfight, right?)

Boyfriend Pillow

The time has come to make up for the absent guy in your life! Whether he’s on a trip, he’s a late worker, never around or just a plain deadbeat this Pillow will give you someone to really lean on. When you rest your head on the chest, you’re going to drift into the clouds. The micro-bead filling conforms to your head and makes for a rest no human being could ever match. Go ahead and tell the Pillow about your day, your dentist appointment, how you feel about pasta, etc. and always have a hand on your shoulder. We love to use this Pillow on our office chairs to smother us in praise, comfort, and support plus he makes a great elbow rest. Let’s face it; sometimes a little support’s exactly what we don’t get. Get ahead in life by getting a Pillow with a hand and half a chest.

  • One Pillow per order.
  • Filled with styrofoam micro-beads.
  • Blue dress shirt, Pillow cover is easily removable for spot cleaning.
  • Get two Pillows and have a full torso to rest on!

The Boyfriend Pillow is available from for $24.99. If you prefer to fall asleep with some music, checkout the Sound Asleep Pillow.

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