Zombie Dice 2 Double Feature

Want to become a zombie before the undead apocalypse sweeps over the planet? Zombie Dice 2 Double Feature is the must-have expansion pack that will increase your brain-eating fun.

It all started with Zombie Dice, the dice game that lets you become a zombie and munch on the brains of hapless victims. The new expansion pack adds a few new features to make things even more interesting. The new potential victims (or possible fighters that will end your reign of undead terror) are The Hunk and The Hottie.

The Hunk has a double-shotgun icon that can increase the damage you receive when you tangle with him, but extra risks always bring extra rewards so you’ll get double the points if you emerge victorious. The Hottie has two shotgun symbols, as well as three feet icons, so she can pack a mean punch and haul butt away from your rotting clutches. Can your lumbering strides catch up with her?

In addition to new characters, the new zombie pack also includes three gift icons, consisting of a helmet, an energy drink, and a double brain. Yum!

You can get the Zombie Dice 2 Double Feature for $8.49 from J!nx and from $6.35 at Amazon.com.

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