Utility Pockets Shower Curtain

Do you often start showering when you realize that you either left your shampoo or shower cap or facial wash somewhere on the bathroom sink? Nothing is more annoying than having to get out of the shower to get whatever it is that you need in the middle of your bath. So to make things more accessible within reach, the Utility Shower Curtain comes packed with a whole lot of pockets at the front.

If you need something, just reach over to the other side of the Utility Shower Curtain and get it. Quick, simpler, and much more convenient.

If you want some regular old shower curtains with some pretty cool designs, then check out the Shadow of the Duck curtain and Periodic Table Shower Curtain.

Utility Shower Curtain

Frustrated with ineffective suction cup baskets and bulky tension rod shelves in our showers, we thought of an alternative: The Utility Shower Curtain. Instead of taking up precious space in your small shower, this curtain features built-in storage components.

On the inside you’ll find four large self-draining pockets, capable of storing eight regular-sized shampoo and conditioner bottles and two loops (one large and one small) to accommodate various sizes of toothbrushes and razors. For added convenience (and those of us without a nearby towel rack) the outside of the curtain is fitted with towel loops at each edge.

The Utility Shower Curtain is available from Winter Check Factory for $40. Need even more pockets? Check out this Mesh Pockets Shower Curtain for only $19.48 from Amazon.com. It is much less expensive, plus it is eligible for free shipping with $25 order.

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