Undersea Aquahoverer

Are you ready to follow in the footsteps of Jacques Cousteau? The underwater world can be yours with the Undersea Aquahoverer, but be warned – this bit of awesomeness will have your bank account diving to unknown, never-before-seen depths.

Capable of going down to a depth of 400 feet, and designed for two passengers, this is the easiest submersible to operate in the world. Basically, if you can drive a car, you’re ready to pilot the Aquahoverer.

What makes it so easy? The sub’s fixed positive buoyancy removes the need for adjusting ballast or managing drop weights. Six 400-rpm, 1.2-kilowatt ducted propellers – two front and four rear — provide easy omnidirectional movement and stand-still hovering, and it’s possible for either person to act as pilot with intuitive, fly-by-wire controls.

Of course, you might not feel comfortable with just hopping in and pulling any lever that strikes your fancy, which is why comprehensive training is included with the purchase.

The Undersea Aquahoverer is available for $1,500,000 at Hammacher Schlemmer.

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