Twin Headphones

There’s just something about experiencing music on a more personal level if you’re listening to it with headphones on. Some people are all for sharing the music they find enjoyable, but it’s kind of hard and uncomfortable to pass one earphone bud to your mate. A neat solution is in the form of these Twin Headphones.

The Twin Headphones are a concept design by Roel Deden, who is currently a student at the Design Academy Eindhoven.

The Twin Headphones are basically two headphones combined into one device: a full headphone system featuring the open-centered ring, and a smaller set of in-ear headphone speakers. When the two are in close proximity, they connect wirelessly so that both will broadcast the same music. Now that’s song sharing, reinvented.

The Twin Headphones are still a concept design for now, although I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ll eventually make their way into stores near you in the future.

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