TrackR Bluetooth Tracking Wafer

People who tend to be forgetful or lose certain items like wallets and keys should definitely take a look at the TrackR Bluetooth Wafer, which will allow users to track some of their belongings.

The TrackR uses Bluetooth to track belongings once it’s paired with your phone. Whenever the TrackR is separated from your phone, it starts to emit a beep. The battery is supposed to last about 1.5 years.

The app also takes a GPS snapshot of where your wallet was at the moment of separation in case you didn’t hear the alert. Tap a button within the app to make your wallet “ring” in case you’re looking for it around the house or in the dark. The technology works both ways, which means your wallet can beep to alert you that you’re leaving your phone behind. Works with your iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, new iPad, iPad mini and the new iPod Touch.

The TrackR is available as part of a crowdfunded project on You’ll have to pay $19 to get yours. There are several days of funding left, but the team has already amassed over $12,000. The projected goal was $5,000, so this device should be made.

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