Static Cling Car Window Thermometer

This here is something for pet lovers or dog owners. It’s unavoidable sometimes having to bring along Rover or Spot with you while you run errands because there’s no other person left at home to mind them. However, what a lot of people are unaware of is that leaving their dogs in their car under the sweltering sun can kill them. I’m a big dog lover myself, which is why I appreciate the people behind the “Too Hot For Spot?” Static Cling Car Window Thermometer.

It’s an adorably designed static cling for your car that is a functioning thermometer at the same time. You can see that the temperature increments are marked specifically considering your beloved pet’s needs so Spot no longer runs the risk of getting a heat stroke (and possibly dying) while you’re out getting some canned Ravioli.

‘Too Hot For Spot?’ Static Cling Car Window Thermometer

The thermometer provides pet owners with real time information to make intelligent choices when traveling with their pets. It also serves as an educational tool by raising awareness.

Clings automatically and works instantly!

You can get the ‘Too Hot For Spot?’ Static Cling Car Window Thermometer for $10.95 each. Your dog’s life is worth every penny.

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