The Snacking Dead Cookbook

If The Walking Dead has taught us anything, it’s that surviving the zombie apocalypse will be a lot of hard work, and hard work can create a serious appetite. If you’re prepared for the zombie outbreak, you can use The Snacking Dead Cookbook to cook-up a hearty meal when you’re not busy whacking walking corpses between the eyes.

The cookbook, loaded with fifty recipes for finger foods that range from light to hearty, also has tips on how to get things together and how to be resourceful when the world falls apart around you.

As if recipes and survival tips weren’t enough, there’s also a love/survival story of everymom Pam and her backwoods hunk, Daryl, and while I doubt this character will officially be Daryl Dixon, it’s probably safe to assume he’ll be close enough for Walking Dead fans to recognize, because otherwise, why name the character Daryl?

The Snacking Dead Cookbook will be available October 29, but it can be pre-ordered now for $14.99 at You can also pre-order it at, Barnes & Noble, and

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