The Office Downsizing Board Game

There’s nothing fun about downsizing, unless you’re playing The Office Downsizing Board Game. It’s a survival game—workplace survival—as you see if you can make it through the workweek as Dunder Mifflin without getting downsized.

It’s the game that lets you roleplay as your favorite character from the office, and is designed to be fun for both super fans and casual watchers. This board game includes a dry erase calendar, a dry erase marker, a dundie award, a plastic stand, 10 ID cards, 10 envelopes, 45 email cards, 10 character attribute cards, 27 incident review cards, 10 Dundie cards, and a set of instructions.

“Oh, it is on like a prawn who yawns at dawn.” Huh? It’s a game of workplace survival! Can you make it through the workweek at Dunder Mifflin without getting downsized out the door? Roleplay as your favorite The Office character and try to make it ’til Friday without getting fired. Be part of Team Michael, intent on exposing Toby as the Scranton Strangler. Be part of Team Toby, just itching to issue a pink slip (or two or three). Orrr, BE TOBY in disguise! Each day of the week comes with a new email from HR and enough episode-specific gameplay references to separate the avid show watcher from the hard-core Dunder Mifflin devotee. Will you triumph in the finger gun face-off? Your job may depend on it.

The Office Downsizing Game is available for $14.99 at Target. You can also find it at Hot Topic and Walmart.

To make it a truly epic game night, get the Dundie Award Replica to give to the winner to hold on until the next board game battle, kind of like the Shiva Bowl Trophy on The League.

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