The Fourth Doctor DVD Time Capsule

I have a special place in my heart for Tom Baker because he was the madman in the box when I discovered Doctor Who, and the Fourth Doctor DVD Time Capsule is the perfect item for any Whovian, especially if they remember a time when super-long scarves were cool.

The limited-edition Time Capsule features a ton of Doctor Who goodies, including artistic photos of all the Fourth Doctor’s Companions, an exclusive interview with Tom Baker, a letter from Baker introducing the set, an exclusive Tom Baker action figure, and a sonic screwdriver.

Other bits of Whovian goodness include:

  • Advance DVD release of restored story ‘Terror of the Zygons’ with exclusive artwork
  • Audiobook and Novel with exclusive artwork
  • Stylish and individually-numbered themed Time Capsule box.

The Fourth Doctor DVD Time Capsule will be available July 29, 2013, but it can be pre-ordered now for £55.99/$84.59 at and at

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