The Bedtime Reader’s Configurable Pillow

I like to get some reading done at night before I turn in. I prop two or three pillows up, crack my book open, fluff the pillows, go through several pages, and stop again to re-arrange the pillows that are starting to make my neck stiff. After a few more minutes of distracted reading (due to my new neck pain), I give up altogether and just go to sleep. This has made me behind with my reading, which is why I think the The Bedtime Reader’s Configurable Pillow is truly a godsend.

The pillow is actually comprised of two sections: one that’s triangular in shape, and one that’s rectangular. Together, you can reconfigure and arrange the pillow to your heart’s content to suit your reading position.

The Bedtime Reader’s Configurable Pillow

This is the adjustable pillow that provides optimal support in your preferred bedtime reading position. The pillow has two sections–one triangular and one rectangular–that fold to create four different pillow shapes, providing a comfortable back- and head-rest whether you are sitting upright or lying supine in bed. The two sections simultaneously support the lower- and upper-back, head, and neck and will not shift out of place, unlike stacked pillows that require repeated adjustment.

The 383-thread count cover is made from plush 100% cotton and the pillow is filled with soft gel foam that molds to the body for support and cushions the head and back to prevent pressure points. Cover is removable and machine washable.

The Bedtime Reader’s Configurable Pillow is available from Hammacher Schlemmer for $99.95 a prop (pun intended.)

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