
My Best Friend is a Wookiee Memoir

If you're one of the lucky ones, you probably grew up watching Star Wars and pretended to be a Jedi…

I Bent My Wookiee T-Shirt

Fans of the Simpsons will immediately recognize Chief Clancy Wiggum’s son Ralph and this memorable quote, “I bent my Wookiee.”…

Wookiee Chewie Star Wars Purse

I haven't seen a purse as hairy or as adorable as this custom handmade Wookiee Chewie Star Wars Purse. This tiny…

Star Wars Chewbacca Plush Backpack

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, GeekAlerts first showed you the Star Wars Chewbacca Plush Backpack.…

Star Wars Chewbacca Zipper Hoodie

With the cold winter months here to stay, there is nothing warmer than Wookiee fur. Sure you could lightsaber zip…

Star Wars How to Speak Wookiee

By now you should have learned How To Speak Zombie and I assume you got your Star Wars costume ready…

Star Wars Chewbacca Slippers

Walk like a Wookiee with these Star Wars Chewbacca Slippers. They are sure to keep you warm and toasty while…