
Waffle Coasters

Nothing beats a plate full of waffles for breakfast. I don't know about you, but I would have waffles all…

Waffle Bed with Syrup Sheets and Fruit Pillows

Some of you are pancake people who wouldn't think twice about ordering a pile of flapjacks for Sunday brunch and…

Breakfast Dental Floss

So you just had waffles for breakfast, and are now flossing with some Bacon Floss. You might want to savor…

Circus Animal Waffle Maker

If you're celebrating International Waffle Day today and you don't want plain old waffles, you need the Circus Animal Waffle…

Waffle iPhone Cases

Today is International Waffle Day! This holiday, which started in Sweden where it is called Våffeldagen (The Waffle Day), is…

Keyboard Waffle Iron

As part of The Next Best…Ding!, an exhibition where the participants took typewriters and transformed them into pieces of art,…