
Home Mushroom Growing Kit

Are you a mushroom lover? If so, you’re going to love this DIY Home Mushroom Growing Kit. So simple even…

Heart Shaped Cucumber Mold Set

We've all heard about genetically modified crops, but there's another way to mess with Mother Nature; by performing plastic surgery on…

Allotinabox Gardening Kit

In this day and age, organic is the way to go. If you're health conscious and want to start growing…

Reversed Volumes Fruit and Vegetable Shaped Bowls

These Mischer'Traxler Reversed Volumes Fruit and Vegetable Shaped Bowls are individually molded using actual fruits and vegetables, resulting in highly…

Organicals Botanical Kit

Clean and healthy living is where it's at. I know a lot of people who eat only organic and vegan…

Root Vue Farm

The Root Vue Farm makes a great decoration for your home or office. Why have a ordinary plant, when you…

Fruitasia Fruit and Vegetable Drink Shots

I think GeekAlerts just found a solution to one of the biggest problems people face today.  How to consume enough…

Cabbage USB Flash Drive

Ok, it's time again to add another flash drive to the never ending stream of weird USB memory sticks. Once…