
Pi Wrapping Paper

Some people believe the wrapping paper is as important, if not more important, than the actual gift itself. If that…

Golf Pen Set

Yeah, we know. You'd rather be golfing, but you can't really quit your day job because you're just not professional…

Steampunk Cthulhu Pocket Watch

Tell me, what's a character that you can think of that's creepier than the Cthulhu? It's not my favorite fictional…

Morphology Board Game

Get your creative juices flowing with the Morphology Board Game. I personally think it's one of the coolest games to…

REV360 Case for iPad and iPad 2

Are you looking for a great gift idea this holiday season? How about getting your loved one something to protect…

T-Shirt Folder

I suck at folding shirts. I know what you're supposed to do and which portions of the shirt to fold…

DIY Bottle Lamp Kit

For those of you still in college, congratulations; hopefully these are some of the best days of your lives. For…

USB Royal Typewriter

Stop the press! Just when you thought typewriters were banished from Earth, someone has designed one that is adaptable for…

Crazy Cat Lady Board Game

Everybody knows a crazy cat lady. There's one on every block. Get yours the Crazy Cat Lady Board Game so…

His/Her Goblets

There's a man and woman in every couple, and we're not talking about genders here. Sometimes, it's the women who…

Zombie Doorstop

Usually you need doorstops to keep doors open, but what if you wanted to keep them closed? This Zombie Doorstop…

Resistor Ring

We've seen computer parts revamped into other objects before, such as the Purple Motherboard Pendulum Clock. Well, someone else has dug deep…

Aurora Color Changing Clock

Are you looking for a cool alarm clock for yourself or maybe a nightlight for your kids? The Aurora Color…

Beer and Pretzel Slippers

Beer with pretzels - a winning combo that yields warm and fuzzy feelings. This perfect pairing has its own stint…

Oktoberfest Dog Costume – Heidi

Prolong the joy of Oktoberfest by dressing your dog as a beer girl for Halloween. Here is a Heidi Oktoberfest Lederhosen Dog…

All Purpose Greeting Cards

Greeting cards used to be all generic and boring, but I like how some people are reinventing cards and adding…

Panic Button Cufflinks

For those days when you know going into the boardroom is going to be as pleasant as sticking your head…

Bed Fan

If only beds came equipped with dual climate control systems like some luxury cars... If you or someone you know loses sleep…

School Bus Lunch Box

With so many cool lunch boxes out there (Bazinga!, Darth Vader, Smurfette, Captain America) we know it's hard to choose,…

Fishscape Fishbowl

If you don't have the luxury of checking your pet fish into the Umbra Fish Hotel Aquarium, then maybe the…