Unique Gifts

Thermosensitive Pillows

I remember times when my mom would come barging into my room and ask me what time I woke up…

Sasquatch Extremely Large Flask

There's just something about abnormally huge stuff that makes seemingly ordinary things well, extraordinary. (However, an exception to the rule…

FishEyes Rod & Reel With Underwater Video Camera

Are you looking for a gift that is educational, entertaining, and will get kids outdoors and using their imaginations? The…

STL Cardinals Rally Squirrel Duct Tape Clutch

If you've seen recent coverage of the 2011 World Series, you might've noticed that fans of the St. Louis Cardinals have gone…

Dirt Cologne Review

GeekAlerts has shown you Dirt Cologne in the past and like us, we think many of our readers were intrigued.…

Public Toilet Survival Kit

The bathroom is a taboo subject for most; and there really is almost no reason why you would need to…

Humping USB Dog

Warning: this Humping USB Dog is for folks who are eighteen years old and above, so if you're still underage,…

Wish Dry-Erase Bank

There are times when fate takes over and sees our wishes through, but more often than not it's up to oneself…

Sole Sox

At first glance, the Sole Sox might seem like novelty socks that give you (fake) temporary X-ray vision by showing…

Construction Plate & Utensils

Just in case you needed an excuse to play with your food; you've now got one.  The Construction Plate &…

Steampunk Robot

Robots come in all shapes and sizes. Most of the ones we've posted on GA have each offered a gadgety function. Among them…

IQ Test Gift Box

Out of all the gifts that you can get someone (an OCD Chef Cutting Board for someone who likes spending…

Infectious Disease Stress Balls

With all that's going on in the world today, stress relief is very important so why not have some fun…

Maggie Nut Cracker

Guys always like to joke around and say that their significant other is a pain in the you know what. …

Bakon Premium Vodka

With so many brands of Vodka out there, you never know which one to choose.  Well for all you bacon…