
TMNT Turtle Army Knit Boxers

Put the power of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles under your pants with these TMNT Turtle Army Knit Boxers. These…

Wonder Woman Boyshorts 3-Pack Panties

Listen up ladies. I know that you already have the costume, the tiara, the wrist cuffs and all the rest.…

Vinderpants Wine Underpants

Does your wine feel naked? Maybe it could use a little dressing up. But before you go putting any fancy…

Underpants Candy

The Underpants Candy is Archie McPhee's latest combination of gross and delicious, an art that they're famous for perfecting.  These…

Emergency Underpants Dispenser

Who knows when you might need some underpants on the go today? You might have some unforeseen emergency (or accident…

Underpants Bandages

GeekAlerts has shown you plenty of crazy bandages (Pickles, Bacon, Pac-Man, Scabs) and several weird ways to wear underpants (on…

World’s Largest Underpants

I don't know who it was that invented underpants, but I'm sure glad he or she or they did. I…

Instant Underpants

When you find yourself in a stinky sticky situation, the first thing you must do is not panic. It doesn't…

Samurai Undies

Gosh darn-it, it's so hard to look like the model on the box of Calvin Klein underwear. Although you may get…

Uh-Oh Emergency Underpants

Do you have a bladder or poop-control problem? It happens more often than you think. In fact, I know a…