
Double Umbrella

You know when you are walking hand in hand with your significant other in the rain and you have your…

Brolly Texting Umbrella

The Brolly Texting Umbrella is a compact umbrella with a unique finger-grip that helps you do more than just hold…

Device-Charging Market Umbrella

You want to enjoy the great outdoors, but you want to enjoy it with your smartphone and tablet? The Device-Charging…

Game of Thrones House Sigil Umbrella

Winter might be behind us but April showers are headed our way and the Game of Thrones House Sigil Umbrella…

StrideLite Umbrella

When the weather is bad, you might not be able to do anything about the rain, but you can do…

Heart Shaped Umbrella

This Valentine's Day give the gift of a Heart Shaped Umbrella. That way the two of you can walk in…

Broadsword Handle Umbrella

Get ready to show the rain you mean business and watch as the clouds part way out of fear that…

Flintlock Pistol Umbrella

Be prepared for the rain with an umbrella that features a gun handle. The Flintlock Pistol Umbrella will keep the…

Sock Monkey Umbrella

Nobody has a rags-to-riches story quite like the sock monkey. The sock monkey is so popular that people have even…

Up Yours Umbrella

GeekAlerts writers understand the importance of rain, we just don't want it messing up our $100 hairdos...Okay, $8.75 at the…

The Spectator Umbrella/Walking Stick/Seat Cane

If you're looking for an umbrella that can do multiple things, check out The Spectator Umbrella/Walking Stick/Seat Cane. It does…

Hunger Games Movie Retractable Umbrella

Can't get enough of The Hunger Games? You've read the books several times and even seen the movie. So what…

Umbrella With LED Light Up Shaft

This Umbrella With LED Light Up Shaft can help protect you from becoming one of the victims of a freak…

10 Geeky Star Wars Things to Bring to the Theater

Watching Star Wars at the theater is much, much more than pure entertainment. It's also a gathering to unite fans from…

Color Changing Umbrella

When the skies are gray and Mother Nature is raining on your parade, you can brighten the day (and the…

Star Wars Lightsaber Umbrellas

I don't know how much rain Darth Vader really has to worry about. He's either on the Death Star, flying…

Goggles Umbrella

Ever tried walking in the rain with an umbrella over your head and bumping into the person/lamp post/mailbox that was…

Rain Parade Umbrella

Christmas is almost here and that means so is the rain, freezing rain, and snow. If you are still looking…

White Daisy Folding Umbrella

Most umbrellas are impersonal and cold. They are just tools for dealing with the rain after all. However the White…

Glow-in-the-Dark Planisphere Folding Umbrella

"Don't go walking alone in the dark, especially when it's raining," my mother always used to say. And really, she…