
Grimlock Transformers Costume Hoodie

The other week GeekAlerts showed you the Optimus Prime Hoodie, which is very cool. But even better than looking like…

Optimus Prime Hoodie

This hoodie is more than meets the eye. The Optimus Prime Hoodie will turn you into the leader of the…

Transformers Decepticon Logo T-Shirt

Sure, the good guys always win, but being the bad guy is a lot of fun. That's why I prefer…

History of Transformers Decepticon and Autobot Clock

You may not be aware of it, but the Decepticon and Autobot symbols have undergone quite a few changes over…

Optimus Prime Transformer Hat

I know summer is here and the cold nights are hopefully gone for a few months, but this Optimus Prime…

Play-Doh Transformers Autobot Workshop

Transformers just got even better with the Play-Doh Transformers Autobot Workshop. You can use the molds to shape transformers characters…

Transformers Megatron Automotive Seat Belt Buckles

Put some Transformers bling in your car with these geeky Transformers Megatron Automotive Seat Belt Buckles. You might as well…

Transformers Dark of the Moon Battle Masks Set

Here are some Transformers toys that are sure to be fun for kids of all ages, and that includes grown-up…

Transformer Decepticon Metal USB Flash Drive

This Transformer Decepticon Metal USB Flash Drive is more than meets the eye for sure, but it looks pretty cool…

Transformers Earbuds

These Transformers Earbuds are more than meets the ear. They may not transform into anything neat, but they do have…

Transformers Autobot 8GB USB Flash Drive

This flash drive is definitely more than meets the eye and it is the geekiest way to store your data…

Kreatworks Steampunk Hellboy and Transformers

Last week we introduced you to the amazing craftsmanship of with the Steampunk 8 Foot Tall Predator. Whether you…

Transformers Decepticon Belt Buckle

GeekAlerts is always on the lookout for cool belt buckles. We've shown you the NES Belt Buckle, Zelda Triforce Buckle,…

Transformers Mimobot Flash Drives

Optimus Prime and Megatron are ready to take their 9 million year old battle from Cybertron to your home with…

Optimus Prime USB-Powered Speaker Head

Bring me the head of Optimus Prime so that I can use his ears as speakers! Transformers fans can now…

Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Optimus Prime Action Figure

With Transformers: Dark of the Moon Movie set to be released this July 4th weekend in theaters everywhere, we thought…

Star Wars Darth Vader Transformers Quad-Changer

Kids get bored with toys pretty quickly. That's why you often see them playing with the cardboard box after about…

Transformers Grimlock USB Optical Mouse

Wishing that there was more than meets the eye to your USB mouse? Well the Transformers Grimlock USB Optical Mouse…

Iron Man Helmet Is Impressive

New law. Everyone driving a motorcycle must wear a geeky Superhero helmet like this Iron Man helmet. I suggest this…

UNO III Streetbike Transformer Motorcycle

There's a lot more to this motorcycle than meets the eye. In fact, the UNO III Streetbike is a Segway…