
Brownie Bar Factory

GeekAlerts showed you a Brownie Maker in the past, but this electric maker is slightly different in design and saves…

Scoop and Stack Ice Cream Scoop

I'm sure you've eaten enough ice cream to know that they're scooped onto your cone with a round bottom. (Like…

Sugar Plums Christmas Candy

Christmas is a time to gather with family and friends, exchange gifts, enjoy food, and maybe even sing a few…

Camera Cookie Cutter Set

It's time to put the Gingerdead Man Cookie Cutter and take out the Camera Cookie Cutter Set. With a bit…

Candy Unicorn Horn

People who worship all things unicorn could be completely distraught or tickled pink by the sight of the Candy Unicorn Horn. It can be…

Super Mario Snerdles Question Box

All I want for Christmas is the Super Mario Snerdles Question Box. I mean, it definitely looks appetizing enough. But…

Baconery Baked Goods

Just when you thought sweets couldn’t get any sweeter and chocolate & peanut butter ruled your taste buds, Baconery Baked…

Evil Fortune Cookies

Jokes are always funny when they are at someone else's expense. Do you plan on having some friends over or…

Peace of Cake Pan

Some people like to rally in front of government buildings to promote peace, while others like to bring harmony by means…

DIY Chocolate Bar Kit

Like I always say (to usually no one in particular), chocolate isn't just for Valentine's Day. If you're a huge…

Mustache Lollipop

When you think of something to describe mustaches, you probably wouldn't say that they're "lickable" unless you're talking about the…

Personal Pie Factory

Want to be able to say you ate a whole pie by yourself and not have to worry about feeling…

Hello Kitty Ring Pop

In the edible jewels department, the Ring Pop is my fave. Sure, candy necklaces and Gummy Bandz are fun and attractive, but the Ring…

Star Wars Han Solo Carbonite Chocolate Bar

Freezing Han Solo in carbonite looked really cool and of course allowed Han Solo to survive, but Jabba wasn't fooling…

Milk Chocolate Battleships

What's better than a game of battleships, you ask? Milk Chocolate Battleships! If Battleships isn't your thing, then you could…

Gingerdead Man Cookie Cutter Review

Gingerbread cookies are the ultimate comfort food, and they're not half-bad for you. However, after eating a few dozen gingerbread spookies made…

Brains! Cupcake Kit

I think the zombie craze began with Popcap's extremely popular tower defense game, Plants versus Zombies. I have a nephew…

Cake Pops Kit

Cake is yummy and delicious. So how can we make cake even better? Turn cake into cake pops, that's how.…

Highly Caffeinated Brownies and Cookies

When a double venti espresso followed by a Red Bull chaser just isn't enough, (yeah, you know who I'm talking…

Spider-Man Comic Book Cookie Cutters

If the 3-Dlicious Marvel Cakelet Pan knocked your Superhero Cape Socks off, you're definitely going to dig the Spider-Man Comic Book Cookie Cutters,…