Star Wars

DIY Star Wars Toys

My Paper Crane has made a set of cool, and slightly creepy, Star Wars dolls featuring Chewbacca, C-3PO, Clone Trooper…

Talking Darth Vader Christmas Stocking

Remember the Star Wars Christmas Ornaments entry? How about a talking Darth Vader Christmas stocking to make your dark side…

Star Wars Christmas Ornaments

Feel like spending your white Christmas on the dark side this year for a change? No problem - there are…

Awesome Star Wars Model: Abandoned AT-AT Walker

The 1/32 scale AT-AT was created by scratch modeler Dimitri Kaliviotis. (Update: Link removed because the website is gone.) This…

Star Wars Joysticks: Darth Vader and Millennium Falcon

These two Star Wars-themed joysticks are loaded with games. You simply plug the control into your TV and you're ready…

R2-D2 Soy Sauce Bottle

I know, Star Wars this and Star Wars that - it's just one of those weeks and this R2-D2 Soy…

Chewbacca Backpack

We've all seen Darth Vader in the shape of a backpack, but the closest we've ever come to a Chewie…

R2-D2 Night Projector

National Console Support, Inc. has announced a neat low-budget alternative to that $4,000 Artoo projector you might have read about…

C-3PO Vinyl Collectible Doll

It doesn't happen often, but every now and then this golden protocol droid steels the show from R2-D2, Darth Vader…

Artoo-Beatoo: R2-D2 Punching Bag

Look at R2-D2, after having served as a webcam and other glamourous products, the poor little droid now has become…

Star Wars Pillows

A new line of pillows in the same style as the Transformers one are now available at ThinkGeek. This time…

Darth Vader Trick or Treat Pail

We all knew that Darth Vader deep inside was as sweet as candy. If we ever had our doubts, here…

Chewbacca Costume T-shirt

If you remember those Star Wars Costume T-shirts we covered last month, you might also remember that a certain furry…

Boba Fett Cookie Jar

As promised yesterday, the next Star Wars related entry would be something about everyone's favorite bounty hunter - so here…

Darth Vader TIE Fighter Bobblehead

Are you up for another Darth Vader entry? Ok, I'll make this short and promise that the next Star Wars…

Darth Vader Guitar T-shirt

Did you enjoy the Han (Guitar) Solo t-shirt posted last week? Here's your chance to get something similar with the…

LEGO Star Wars Watches

A new line of LEGO Star Wars-inspired timepieces has now been introduced. There are four different models available: Darth Vader,…

C-3PO Helmet – Collectors Edition

When it comes to designing stuff shaped like droids from the Star Wars saga, it is usually the can-shaped R2-D2…

Star Wars X-Wing Fighter Signed by George Lucas

Star Wars collectors wanting to own an X-wing starfighter miniature replica signed by filmmaker George Lucas can now enter their…

Han (Guitar) Solo

This awesome Star Wars inspired Guitar Solo ($18) t-shirt is designed by Tom Burns and available at the Go Ape…