Star Trek

Star Trek The Next Generation Data Mustard Tie

Your office isn't exactly the bridge of the Enterprise, but a uniform is still required in the form of a…

Star Trek Ladies’ Knee High Socks

I've said it before and I will say it again, ladies look good in Star Trek clothing. This 3-pack of…

Star Trek TNG Men’s Socks

Dress like Picard and the rest of the Enterprise crew with this Star Trek TNG Men's Socks 3-Pack. Make it…

Star Trek Original Series Gorn 1:6 Scale Statue

Captain James T. Kirk had his fair share of altercations during his five-year mission on the Enterprise and the Star…

Star Trek Red Shirts T-Shirt

Blue and gold beat red every time when it comes to the adventures of the Starship Enterprise, and the Star…

Star Trek Red Shirt 12-Inch Dog Chew Toy

Red shirts have the worst job in the Federation. They are always the ones going on away missions and never…

Star Trek: The Art of Juan Ortiz

Get ready to enjoy Star Trek: The Original Series, in a brand-new way with Star Trek: The Art of Juan…

Star Trek TOS Enterprise NCC-1701 Dog Chew Toy

This Star Trek TOS Enterprise NCC-1701 Warp Drive Dog Chew Toy Plush won't stand a chance against your dog, who…

Star Trek Classic Art Coasters

Whether you live on a starship or in a home on Earth, you don't want your guests to leave rings…

Star Trek: Attack Wing Miniature Space Battle Game

Want to be a part of an epic space battle, but can't afford to go to Starfleet Academy? Just get…

Star Trek Original Series Blue Uniform Dog Bowl

If your dog has a personality like Mr. Spock, get him this Star Trek Original Series Blue Uniform Dog Bowl.…

Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Bobble Ship

You have collected all of the Star Trek bobble head figures, so now it is time to boldly take your…

Star Trek Starfleet Ice Tray

The next time you are having a cup of cold tea with your Starfleet admiral buddies, use this Star Trek…

Star Trek Enterprise NCC-1701 D Talking Bottle Opener

This Star Trek Enterprise NCC-1701 Talking Bottle Opener is just plain awesome. Just like in the show, the saucer section…

Swiss Musical Starship

If a vintage music box was designed for the sci-fi crowd, it would look just like the Swiss Musical Starship…

Star Trek Dr. Carol Marcus Blue Dress

The Star Trek Into Darkness movie had somewhat mixed reviews, but one thing that most would agree on is that…

Star Trek TOS Enterprise 1701 HD Ship

You probably already have an Enterprise sitting on your mantel, but I bet it isn't "HD". This Star Trek TOS…

Star Trek Rug

When you need a geek rug for your geek room, in your Star Trek decorated home, look no further than…

Star Trek First Officer Spock Maxi Bust

It's only logical that true Star Trek fans would add this Star Trek First Officer Spock Maxi Bust to their…

Star Trek Learn Klingon PC Program

If you've ever wanted to learn Klingon, but don't know any actual Klingons, this Star Trek Learn Klingon PC Program…