
Honey Badger Habanero BBQ Sauce

If there is one thing we have learned from the internet, it is this. Honey Badger don't care! But you…

Parks and Recreation Ron F***ing Swanson BBQ Sauce

GeekAlerts has featured a lot of tasty hot sauces in the past (Spicy Bacon BBQ Sauce, Ass Blaster Outhouse Hot…

Bacon Hot Sauce

Bacon is good. Hot sauce is good. Bacon Hot Sauce just might blow your mind. Add Bacon Hot Sauce whenever…

Spicy Bacon BBQ Sauce

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about burgers, salads, or sandwiches, bacon makes everything taste better. Now, with Spicy Bacon…


Awesome people live awesome lives where nothing can go wrong. Or if they do, then their awesome personalities can get…

R2-D2 Soy Sauce Bottle

I know, Star Wars this and Star Wars that - it's just one of those weeks and this R2-D2 Soy…