
Star Trek Rug

When you need a geek rug for your geek room, in your Star Trek decorated home, look no further than…

Doctor Who TARDIS Rugs

Put a TARDIS on your floor and pretend that everytime you step on it you are having an adventure, being…

Spider-Man Classic Comic Rug

Everyone likes a classy rug, but some of us also appreciate geeky as well. This Spider-Man Classic Comic Rug is…

Robot Rug

Are you looking to add a little robot fun to a game room or kid's room? The Robot Rug is…

Bacon Rug

Since we whet your appetite for bacon the other day with the Pancakes, Butter & Syrup Quilt with Bacon Rug,…

Cupcake Rug

You've seen the Sweet Dreams Cupcake Pillow and Cupcake Mugs, but have you ever seen a Cupcake Rug? It looks…

Original Mouse Rug

If you are using a traditional mouse, you are probably using some kind of lame mousepad that doesn't look very…

Bear Rug Coasters

Manly men usually have Bear rugs in their Man-cave, or some other animal hide. And most of the time they…

Star Wars Wampa Plush Throw Rug

Do you need a new rug in your game room or how about the bedroom?  The Star Wars Wampa Plush…

Persian Puzzle Rug

"PuzzlePerser" is a Persian inspired line of rugs created by the German product designer Katrin Sonnleitner. Featured here is the…

Planetary Rug

The Planetary Playtime Rug (from $300) will add a fun educational touch to any floor, providing an overview of the…

My Way Or The Rug

No, it's not a new Google Maps feature where you can hit a button to create a rug from your…