
Doctor Who Trans-Temporal Sonic Screwdriver

Oops! The Doctor left the shields on the TARDIS down, causing it to crash through four different time periods at…

Porsche 917 Le Mans Raceway

How many people will fall in love with this beauty? Fans of Steve McQueen, wooden slot racing tracks, or just…

The Hobbit: Thorin’s Key to Erebor Prop Replica

If you love The Hobbit and want a truly unique collectible on your shelf, you might consider this The Hobbit:…

Star Trek: The Next Generation Enterprise D Artisan Replica

If you named the cat Spock and always tell your kids they have the conn when you leave the room…

Harry Potter Cloak of Invisibility

Aside from having a powerful and evil wizard after him that wanted him dead, Harry Potter has led a pretty…

Stirling Engine 1900 Mercedes

Classic cars are awesome, and you can't get much more classic than the Stirling Engine 1900 Mercedes. This little replica…

Predator Temple Guard Mask

I used to think nothing could get scarier than Alien; then Predator came along. And then, the two awesomely showed…

Steampunk Telephone

Hello, Steampunk calling. If you are into the world of Steampunk gadgets and accessories, then you need a Steampunk Telephone…

A Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy’s Glove Replica

If you are looking for that finishing touch on your Halloween costume this year, check out this A Nightmare on…

Captain America: The First Avenger Motorcycle Suit

While you may not be able to perform daring feats like a superhero, you can look like one with this…

Portal 2 Atlas Portal Gun

This Portal 2 Atlas Portal Gun will give you some serious firepower. Of course this replica is based on the…

Vince Cardboard Human Skull

You can take baby steps down the path of the creepy and macabre with the Vince Cardboard Human Skull, offering…

Game of Thrones Replica Iron Throne

If you're a fan of the HBO Game of Thrones series, based on George R. R. Martin's fantasy series A…

Battlestar Galactica Ship Replica USB Flash Drive

This Battlestar Galactica Ship Replica USB 4GB Flash Drive is my new favorite flash drive. Just load it up with…

Mass Effect 3: M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle Precision Prop Replica

Fans of Mass Effect 3 have a new weapon to display on their wall in a place of honor. This…

Men in Black 3 Standard Issue Sidearm Replica

This Men in Black 3 Standard Issue Sidearm Replica looks amazing. Super shiny too. The Standard Issue Sidearm is what…

Star Trek Klingon Beak Nose Disruptor Prop Replica

The weapons of Star Trek are as neat as the ships. If you are a fan of the Klingons, check…

Thor Mjolnir Prop Replica

The power of Thor can be yours with this amazing Thor Mjolnir Prop Replica. Rule Asgard with this finely detailed…

Back to the Future Marty McFly Hat Prop Replica

Here is a hat straight from the future. Just look at all of those colors. This Back to the Future…

Assassin’s Creed Altair Over Tunic with Hood Replica

Fans of Assassin's Creed can now dress like their favorite hero, Altair with this Assassin's Creed Altair Over Tunic with…