
Brain Lamp

Alexander Lervik, a furniture, interior and product designer from Sweden, has created the MYBrain - a desk lamp that is…

Cardboard Mini Arcade for PSP

This flatpack cardboard comes in a pack of two and allows you to fold yourself a neat mini replica of…

7-Foot Battlestar Galactica Cylon Figure

Fans of the Battlestar Galactica Sci-Fi series can now get their hands on a hand-made 7-foot Cylon replica - if…

Wiimote Metal Tin

Remember those cool Super Mario Brothers mushroom candy tins? Now you can also get some Nintendo Wii inspired cans for…

Star Trek Communicator Replica

Ok, the Star Trek Enterprise Telephone will let you communicate for real, but who cares about such trivialities when you…

Back to the Future Flux Capacitor Replica

Remember the "Back to the Future" movie from the 80s, starring Michael J Fox? If you do, then you probably…

Star Trek USS Enterprise Replica

After having been used as a chandelier, telephone and a putter, it is finally time to let the classic spaceship…

The Dukes of Hazzard R/C Car

We recently covered the Knight Rider R/C Car and now Firebox has released yet another radio controlled toy based on…

Life-Sized Tyrannosaurus Rex Dinosaur Replica

So you want to outcool your neighbors Camarasaurus replica? No problem, that plant eater doesn't stand a chance against this…