
Armageddon It! Kim Jong-un and Trump Pencil Erasers

Apparently the makers of these Armageddon It! Kim Jong-un and Trump Pencil Erasers think the end is near...Others would argue…

Presidential Monsters Action Figures

I think most people talk about putting a monster in the White House after every election but those words have…

2012 Optimus Prime Time Candidate T-Shirt

Perhaps it's all the negative campaigning, instead of running on a positive vision and their record of accomplishments, but it…

Cthulhu for President 2012 T-Shirts

For many Americans, each presidential election is a choice for the lesser of two evils. Perhaps it's the negative campaigns…

Zombie Franklin T-Shirt

If you wouldn't be caught dead wearing the Zombama Obama Zombie T-Shirt, perhaps former American hero Franklin is more to…

U.S. Presidents Talking Game

One subject that I was never good at when I was still in middle school was history. I always had…