
Obama Punching Bag

GeekAlerts is about cool gadgets and fun products, and we prefer to stay out of politics. Besides, for us debates…

Zombama Obama Zombie T-Shirt

We don't really get into politics much here at GeekAlerts, but we do love zombies. Regardless of politics, this Zombama…

Political Ice Pack

A lot of everyday things are starting to get politicized as the elections draw closer, starting with the Political Ice…

Left and Right Bookends

It's a big election year for the US. It's funny how such a big nation has eternally been dichotomized into two major…

Vote Zombies 2012

When it comes to voting, there are some issues we can really get behind. This is one of those moments…

Barack Obama Action Figure

GeekAlerts has shown you plenty of cool action figures like Star Wars and Star Trek, but now you get to…