
Electric Blue Corkscrew

If you often have difficulties opening a corked wine bottle, don't feel alone. It's folks like you (and me) who…

Denture Bottle Opener

Keep this Denture Bottle Opener away from people with real dentures because they'll probably end up with a not-so-pleasant surprise…

Screw You Corkscrew

Sometimes when the world is getting you down and your stress levels are up, you just want to flip someone…

Pac-Man Magnetic Bottle Opener

My favorite brand of root beer comes in bottles, which I have nothing against. However, what I find annoying is…

Progressive 6-in-1 Multi Opener

Some gadgets are fun, but others, like the Digital Travel Luggage Scale, are incredibly useful. The Progressive 6-in-1 Multi Opener…

Railroad Spike Bottle Opener

Looking for a rustic bottle opener that has some history behind it.  The Railroad Spike Bottle Opener is forged from…

Ctrl+O Bottle Opener

You don't really have to be the most tech savvy person to know what the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O does on…

Bottle Opener Cufflinks

Even if the Star Trek Enterprise Bottle Opener is still the coolest bottle opener out there, it is also quite…

Beer Tracker

If you need something like this to keep track of how many beers you've had, then it would probably be…