
Revolver Pen Holder

Perfect for gun enthusiasts and fans of the Bullet Pen and Colt .45 Cufflinks; the Revolver Pen Holder adds the…

Great Geysers

You might have heard about that YouTube video that went viral when some teens placed a Mentos in a plastic…

Catamount Microwave Popcorn Popper

Now who in their right mind doesn't like popcorn? It's one of America's all-time favorite movie snacks but it's also…

Sarcastic Ball

Got a gift for gab? Pride yourself in never running out of sarcastic rebuttals and wisecracks? Then maybe you might…

Message In A Bottle

"Sending out an SOS to the world.." That old song by The Police immediately popped into my head when I…

The Daily Mood Flipchart

Work is tough and the sometimes we just wish everyone could understand how we are feeling.  The Daily Mood Flipchart…

Bacon Gravy

I love bacon just like the average person does and I like to try it all in different manners.  Bacon…

Inflatable Fire Hydrant

You can't believe it, but there it is, right in front of you: the perfect parking space. Close to your…

LED Nightlight for the Toilet

Tried waking up in the middle of the night to go to the loo and bumped your knee or shin…

Emergency Toilet Paper

Some people I know find some sort of solace in their toilet, stuffing the tiny room with magazines, comic books,…

Color Blind Clock

You might have already been subjected to a color blind test when you got your driver's license or had your…

Toasted Notes

GeekAlerts has shown you some pretty creative sticky notes: Tetris Styled Block Notes and Talk to the Hand Sticky Notes. …

Peanut Erasers

Erasers don't get any quirkier than this. If the Mustache Eraser Set failed to tickle your fancy, then maybe these…

Salt & Pants Shakers

You probably figured it out by now; we use a lot of salt & pepper at GeekAlerts.  We've shown you…

Foot In The Door – Door Stop

When your hands are full and you really need someone to hold that door for you, they usually aren't there. …

Maze Puzzle Novelty Toilet Paper

Did you just start doing your thing in the bathroom, only to realize that you left the latest issue of…

Polluted Drinking Glasses

Have you ever had a drink so potent that you wish it was marked with a warning or toxic label? …

Fuzz The Crime Scene Scarf

With summer sadly ending and fall right around the corner,  you are going to need a nice scarf.  Fuzz The…

Talk To The Hand Sticky Notes

I don't know about the rest of you, but we love to sneak breaks at GeekAlerts... and the best way…

Hold-Me-Tight Pillows

While the Boyfriend Pillow was especially suited for people who had just recently broken up with their boyfriends (or for…