
Peanuts Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

You may not be part of the 1%, and in this economy you may not be able to afford the…

Space Invaders 8-Bit Playing Cards

Anyone who has read GeekAlerts for a while knows that we are big fans of retro design, especially when it…

iPhone Etch-A-Sketch Case

I loved fiddling with the Etch-A-Sketch when I was younger. Twist here, turn the knob there, and voila! I'd have…

Duck Hunter Indoor Flying Duck Hunt Game

Nostalgic for Duck Hunt on the NES but want something more lifelike and interactive? Check out the Duck Hunter Indoor…

Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine

Since it is the middle of the summer and the United States is enduring a heat wave, we've been featuring…

The Beatles Yellow Submarine Ice Cube Tray

Beatles fans have something new to cool their drinks this summer. I'm talking about Yellow Submarine ice cubes thanks to…

Retro Floppy Disk Shaped CDR

If the Floppy Disk Notebook made you nostalgic for the magnetic media of decades past, you'll want to check out…

iPWN! iPad 2 Game Boy Case

It's no surprise that people are coming up with all sorts of cases for the iPad 2, given its immense…

iPWN! iPhone Game Boy Case

We dress up our puppy in canine couture, so why not do the same to something almost equally beloved like…

VHS Video Notebook

Do you remember the Big Question? Beta or VHS? We all know how that turned out...and for those of you who don't,…