
Superman Powerful Pick-Up Lines Pint Glass

Superman gets all the babes and Lois Lane is especially smitten with the Man of Steel. How does he do…

Batman and Superman Caped Pint Glasses

After millions of people saw Robert Griffin III on TV wearing a pair of Superman Socks with Cape during the…

Cthulhu as a Teenager

We all have to start somewhere and it would be nice to imagine that even H.P. Lovecraft's Elder God, sci-fi…

Doctor Who Jigsaw Puzzle

If you enjoy watching Doctor Who and all of his adventures, then maybe you are ready for an adventure yourself.…

Stay Puft Mini Talking Plush Keychain

"I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something that could never destroy us. Something I loved from my…

Darth Vader In Your Pocket

GeekAlerts has shown you these "In Your Pocket" keychains before with Mr. T and Doctor Who. But the Darth Vader…

Emergency Bowtie

Hey ladies this one’s for you. Do you have a boyfriend that forgets to get you flowers, never cleans up,…

Breakup Recovery Kit

Breakups are tough, especially if you're the one getting dumped. But life goes on and your friends will always be…

App Calculator

If you chanced upon the App Calculator in a store that sold iPads, then you might think that someone's pulling…

Medal – Photo Print Bib

Every parent thinks the world of their children. In fact, I dare say that every child is a winner in…

Mordicus Crocodile Bread Knife

Bread knives are essential in the kitchen. Beyond slicing through bread like buttah, they also make cutting roast beef, tomatoes, and cake…

Rain Parade Umbrella

Christmas is almost here and that means so is the rain, freezing rain, and snow. If you are still looking…

Robot Air Hedz

Kids totally love the toys we feature on GeekAlerts, but often times they're amused by the simplest things like cardboard boxes,…

Bacon Floss

We live in a bacon world and many of us can't get enough of it. After you finish off that…

Barf Ball

The Barf Ball already looks gross enough as it is. I mean, it doesn’t exactly look scary but it’s not…

Cool Beans Ice Tray

I might overuse the word "cool" more than a person my age should, due to immaturity and lack of cooler…

Bone Cell Plush

Did you ever wonder what your bone cells might look like up close? Not your bones per se, but the…

Bacon Platter

I remember the good old days when I would wake up to wonderful aroma of bacon cooking in the pan…

Zombie Mistletoe – Christmas Ornament

You've seen the Zombie Stocking Ornament and the Gingerbread Zombie Ornament along with a ton of other cool zombie stuff.…

Zombie Family Car Stickers

I'm sure you have all seen the soccer mom driving her monster SUV around with the family stickers on the…