LEGO Valentine Letter Set

Happy Valentine's Day! The exclusive new LEGO Valentine Letter Set allows you to say "I Love You" to your sweetheart…

Star Wars LEGO Minifig Alarm Clock

These digital Star Wars alarm clocks features a design inspired by the popular plastic mini figurines from the Danish toy…

LED Lego on a Keychain

if you liked the previous LEGO products with built-in light-emitting diodes, here's another playful and colorful LED product inspired by…


An official series of LEGO products with built-in light-emitting diodes has now been released. Right now there are two different…

LEGO Radio Alarm Clock

Did you enjoy the LEGO USB Hub we covered here at GeekAlerts last week? I guess this radio alarm clock…


Here's a new 4-port USB hub that will look great together with other gadgets inspired by the popular plastic building…

LEGO-Style Earphones

For those of you who enjoyed that LEGO-Style MP3 Player that we have covered in the past, here's a nice…

LEGO Star Wars Case for Nintendo DS

As an alternative to the yummy Nintendo DS Chocolate Case that we wrote about this summer, here's a fun and…

Tiny LEGO USB Flash Drive

123smile, the creator of the cool Duplo USB Webcam and the R2-D2 USB Flash Drive LEGO Figure, has now come…

LEGO Guitar Amp

Dave Chatterson, a 28-year-old guitarist from Kitchener-Waterloo, has created this cool detailed replica of a Fender Princeton Reverb amp using…

iPod LEGO Inspired Dock in New Colors

Some of you might remember the iPod LEGO Dock that we covered here at GeekAlerts last year. This playful audio…

LEGO iPod Dock

This playful iPod dock, inspired by the plastic building bricks from the Danish LEGO company, works with any of the…

LEGO Cutlery

For those of you who enjoyed the LEGO Coasters and the LEGO Salt and Pepper Shakers, here's a fun and…

LEGO Mood Light – Mini Edition

Remember that playful LEGO-Style Mood Light that we covered back in April? A mini edition of this multi-color "do it…

Aluminum LEGO Keychain

I'm not sure how many keychains have been covered here at GeekAlerts, but if could only choose one, it would…

Duplo USB Webcam

123smile, a member of the Etsy online marketplace, has used a 2x2 plastic Duplo building brick to create this playful…

LEGO-Style MP3 Player

This playful little LEGO-style MP3 player is offered in five different colors and supports microSD flash memory cards up to…

LEGO-Style Mood Light

Last week we saw the fun LEGO-Style Correction Tape, and now these playful plastic bricks also serves as a colorful…

LEGO-Style Correction Tape

Here's the latest example of how to use the design of the plastic building bricks from the Danish LEGO company…

Coolest LEGO Guitar

Check out this cool guitar made out of black plastic LEGO building bricks. The creation includes all of the functioning…