
Keyport Slide 2.0: The Keychain Gets Reinvented Again

The Keyport was a pretty nifty idea to reduce the overall clutter and confusion that's associated with most keychains. It…

Enter & Escape Key Covers

It can be quite a pain if you've got a number of keys that look the same hanging off of…

Key Finder 4 Receiver Wireless RF Item Locator

We've all lost our keys from time to time, even when you swear you just set them right there in…

Sprinkler Hide-A-Key

Having a hideaway key for your house can be very important especially if you are like me and instinctually lock…

Key Pete Super Strong Magnetic Key Holder

Not knowing where your keys are when you want them really puts a damper on things.  Best way to solve…

Keyboard Key Magnets

We have seen keyboard keys give inspiration to both LED lights and alarm clocks, and now you can add a…