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DC Comics Green Lantern Costume

You may think it's a little early for Halloween costumes, but when October rolls around and The Green Lantern is…

Domo Mustache Plush

Domo Nation is growing, seriously checkout out DomoNation, and so is our lovable egg hatched Domo.  We first introduced you…

Plush Hello Kitty Backpack

Two things that never go out of style are backpacks and Hello Kitty. Put 'em together and what've you got?…

Doctor Who TARDIS Mug

GeekAlerts has shown you the Doctor Who Disappearing Mug, but now here is the TARDIS Mug. The Doctor's time-traveling ride…

Dr. Who TARDIS Talking Cookie Jar

Doctor want a cookie? It’s been a while since we’ve seen Tom Baker crave Jelly Baby’s and there’s no sign…

Chewbacca Backpack

We've all seen Darth Vader in the shape of a backpack, but the closest we've ever come to a Chewie…