Hammacher Schlemmer

Flying Car

No, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. That really is a Flying Car. The future has arrived and one…

The Illuminated Flexible Skateboard

We've seen cars with ground effects and bike wheels with LED lights, so now it's the skateboard's turn to shine. Get…

Heated Car Seat for Pets

Sometimes we humans love our furry companions so much that we insist that they accompany us on road trips. Like us,…

Scrubbing Windshield Wiper Blade

What makes an incredibly tiring day at work even worse is getting to your car and noticing that there’s bird…

The World’s Largest Scrabble Game

If you've got some money to burn and if Scrabble happens to be your favorite game in the world, then…

iPad 2 Photograph Frame

Need someplace to put your iPad 2 when you’re at home? How about slipping it into the iPad 2 Photograph…

Boogie Board Rip Paperless Scratch Pad

Save the environment, one page at a time by using gizmos like the Boogie Board Rip Paperless Scratch Pad. I’m…

10 Minute Whole Body Vibration Trainer

Now that the new year is upon us, I’m sure many of you are setting New Year’s Resolutions. Exercise and…

iPad USB Flash Drive

I had to do a double take when I saw the iPad USB Flash Drive because first of all, the…

Talking Tutor Telescope

When I was little, I was really interested in astronomy. Unfortunately, nobody else seemed to be so I was on…

Bed Bug Thwarting Sleeping Cocoon

Are you afraid of bed bugs? Do you have a business trip or vacation planned where you need to stay…

Live Action Infrared Skeet Shoot

Skeet shooting can be fun but winter can take the thrill out of some outdoor activities. Take your sharpshooting inside…

The Perfect Crêpe Maker

Have you mastered the art of making the perfect crêpe? Making excellent crêpes doesn't happen overnight, though part of the…

Bean Bag Sled

When you're young, sledding down an icy hill can be thrilling, even if you choose to go down sledless. Hitting bumps hard means…

Advanced Acrobatic Robot

Want to impress your friends with your physical prowess but just the thought of doing a backflip causes you pain?…

Card Game Billiard Balls

Geeks are always trying to create new challenges when playing games, whether it is adding new rules, techniques, or obstacles. That's why pool-playing geeks…

Curl Preserving Hair Clips

One reason why I got a hair perm was because I thought that it would be a hassle-free hairstyle and…

Hideaway Guest Bed

Did an army of guests just invite themselves over to stay at your place for the holidays? Where are they all…

The World’s Best Prelit Douglas Fir (LED)

Christmas is fast approaching and a certain jolly old elf will soon be making his annual trip around the world.…

The 20 MPH Motorized Wheelrider

If the skateboard and bicycle don’t grab your attention like they used to but you’re not ready to fork out…