
2013 Learning Calendar of Gross Scientific Things

Science is awesome, but sometimes it can be gross. That usually just means that learning is more fun. This 2013…

Crazy Bones Lollipop

It's a dish a lot of people love, but it's something that probably many people dislike as well: chicken feet.…

Barf Ball

The Barf Ball already looks gross enough as it is. I mean, it doesn’t exactly look scary but it’s not…

Zombie Jerky

I have this niece who recently discovered the wonderful world of jerky; which has made her declare that she's not…

Doggie Doo Game

The Doggie Doo Game is exactly what it sounds like. I'm not sure you can call it a game at…

Scabs Bandages

Scabs and scrapes and wounds can look pretty gross to begin with, but if they aren't gross enough for you,…

Creeperz! Monster Head Stress Balls

At GeekAlerts we tend to favor things that are sleek, sophisticated, or cute, and these Creeperz! Monster Head Stress Balls…