
Zigstand Foam Smartphone Stand

If you're expecting a phone call from a doll, prop up your iPhone on the Angel Wings iPhone Stand. If…

Geek Crime Scene Tape

Very intelligent people are much too valuable to be distracted by mere mortals when they are working. Those same people…

Geek Trading Cards

There are trading cards for baseball players, football players, and basketball players, but what about the real heroes—Geeks! Now you…

Circuit Board Heart Necklace

Geek wives who are jealous about having their husbands running around with Circuit Board Cufflinks can now wear something just…

GeekAlerts at Facebook

GeekAlerts is now available as a page at Facebook, so now you can get updates about the latest geeky gadgets…

GeekAlerts Design Update

First of all, sorry about the lack of updates lately. I've been involved in a project that has taken up…

LED Graffiti Magnets

This set of 20 different LEDs each has a battery and a magnet attached. Pull the tab to activate, then…

Keyboard Pants

Designer Erik De Nijs has created a pair of jeans for computer geeks. (more…)

Circuit Board Cufflinks

Circuit boards can be used for so many things; snacks, clocks, keychains, cars, Christmas tree decoration - and cufflinks of…

11 Geeky Cars

The guys over at the great SlipperyBrick technology and gadgets blog has compiled a list of 11 awesome geek-themed art…

15 Cool Home Theaters

The guys over at the great SlipperyBrick blog has compiled a list of the 15 coolest geek-themed home theaters. You…

FashionablyGeek: Clothing and Accessories for the Well-Dressed Geek

The fine people over at Nerd Approved has launched FashionablyGeek - a blog "devoted to the world of clothing and…

Circuit Board Car

There are geeks who likes having a circuit board clock, keyring or maybe a snack. Then there are those who…

Awesome Geek Button Badges

Prickie is a site offering wonderful geek button badges designed by a wide range of talented artists. The biggest problem…

Computer Cat Wall Clock

Joe from the Geek Gear Store over at Etsy is known for coming up with fun computer theme clocks like…

RAM Geek Keychain

Of course we can't have a blog called GeekAlerts without mentioning this handmade RAM keychain / zipper pull ($3.50) embossed…

10 Beautiful Geek Cufflinks

Geeky cufflinks are fun, but not always of the best quality and design. Sometimes the DIY feeling shines through a…

The Week in Geek – 29/2007

A summary of some of the most popular posts from the past week: Multimedia Rocking Chairs Pac-Man Chair Cyberman Shower…

Computer Memories Photo Frame

Would you be geek enough to place a photo of your loved one inside a frame covered with computer memories?…

Gadgets for Dogs

BrentEvans Geek Tonic has a neat post about gadgets for dogs: Geek Out your Dog - Gadgets Made Just For…