
The Nightmare Before Christmas Terror Triumphant Mayor Car Figurine

Make way for the Pumpkin King with The Nightmare Before Christmas Terror Triumphant Mayor Car Figurine. This sculpture is especially…

Captain America Resolute Figurine

This Captain America Resolute Figurine is an amazing limited-edition collectible, especially for Captain America fans that admire him for his…

Batman The Joker Figurine

The Clown Prince of Crime becomes the Clown Prince of Pewter with the Batman The Joker Figurine. Standing almost 7-inches…

Iron Man Figurine

The Iron Avenger becomes the Pewter Avenger with the Iron Man Figurine. And now we know why Tony Stark chose…

Batman Pewter Figurine

The Dark Knight gets shiny as the Batman Pewter Figurine. Based on Jim Lee's Batman design and standing 9.25-inches-tall, this…

Star Wars Yoda Pewter Figurine

The Force is strong with the Star Wars Yoda Pewter Figurine. Measuring 4.92" H x 2.95" W x 1.77" L…

Star Wars Princess Leia Pewter Figurine

You've seen a smuggler in carbonite. Now get ready for a princess in pewter with the Star Wars Princess Leia…

Yuriko Fire Ninja Fairy Figurine

What do you get when you cross a ninja, a dragon, and a fairy? You get this so-hot-she's-cool Yuriko Fire…

Unstoppable T-Rex Figurine

Tyrannosaurus Rex; the most feared dinosaur that ever roamed the Earth... or at least he would've been if the other…

Marvel Miniature Alliance Hulk Pewter Edition Figurine

This Marvel Miniature Alliance Hulk Pewter Edition Figurine is crazy. Looked at how ripped the Hulk is. His arms are…

Handmade Falcor Figurine

What's warm, fuzzy, flies, looks like a dog and is pink all over? It's Falcor from the Neverending Story, whoaohhh…

Lego Minifigure Customization Guide

If you're a huge LEGO fan, then you might already be into customizing your own little characters and minifigures. For…

Jabba the Hutt Figurine

This Jabba the Hutt Figurine is a hand-painted lead figure that comes with a special Jabba the Hutt issue Star…