Hand Painted Star Trek Wine Glasses

Boldly take your wine where no glass has taken it before with these Hand Painted Star Trek Wine Glasses. We've…

Space Invaders Silk Tie

We've seen a lot of quirky ties here on GeekAlerts, like the Duct Tape Tie and the Wood Tie. But…

Periodic Table Wedding Cufflinks

Those who can't live without their Apple smartphones would probably like to get a pair of these iPhone Cufflinks. Gun…

Star Trek Cupcake Toppers

What do Star Trek and cupcakes have in common? They're sweeeeet! Next time you decide to make cupcakes for the Trekkies…

Twitnote Magnet Set

If you hate the idea of being away from Twitter, the Twitnote Magnet Set can help to make real life…

Bob Ross Finger Puppet

You really didn't have to know diddly squat about art in order to enjoy watching Bob Ross paint beautiful landscapes on…

Samurai Wooden Shelf

Sleek, masterful, and graceful. Those are words that can describe the Samurai Shelf in a nutshell, which is a unique…

Wooden iPhone and iPad Docking Station

iPhone 4? Check. iPad 2? Check. So you've got the latest that Apple has to offer right now, but do your beloved gizmos…

Star Wars R2-D2 Sweater

That guy above is definitely not the droid I was looking for, but he does have a neat Star Wars…

Mario World 8-4 Mouse Pad

There are mouse pads of all kinds on the market, but it's the Mario World 8-4 Mouse Pad that serves as a…

Nintendo Gameboy Tube Dress

A couple weeks back we posted about the Nintendo Gameboy Dress, and it was a huge hit. I'm not sure…

Strapless Nintendo Dress

The girl of your dreams might not be an avid video gamer, but what if she were sporting a skin-tight Nintendo Game…

Mad Scientist Building Blocks

When your child deserves more and the basic ABC building blocks just won't do, get the Mad Scientist Building Blocks. …

Hello Kitty Boba Fett T-Shirt

Even Hello Kitty's innocence is not immune to the dark side; especially when she gets to look like Boba Fett,…

Purple Motherboard Pendulum Clock

Getting tired of everything black and white and pixelated like the Pixel Time Wall Clock currently hanging on your wall? …

Tri-9mm Gun Lamp

If you are looking for some manly lighting in your man-cave, look no further than the Tri-9mm Gun Lamp. It…

Shrek Baby Beanie

Babies and little kids can sometimes act like little ogres. They can look like innocent angels on the outside, but…

Father-The Noble Element T-Shirt

You could honor Dad by getting a "Father" tattoo on your arm. Hmm, on second thought, remember when Bart Simpson attempted…

The Postcup

We've seen our share of geeky coffee mugs around here, like the Wind Up Coffee Mug for instance, but the…

Transporter Beam Quilt

Star Trek fans have some good news and some bad news in this awesome Transporter Beam Quilt. The good news…