Entertainment Earth

Dead Space Plasma Cutter Full Size Replicas

Fans of the Dead Space video game series will want to get their hands on these Deal Space Plasma Cutter…

Jabba the Hutt Figurine

This Jabba the Hutt Figurine is a hand-painted lead figure that comes with a special Jabba the Hutt issue Star…

Star Wars Talking 9-Inch Plush: Jawa & Boba Fett

These new Star Wars Talking 9-Inch Plush toys are soft and cute, plush they say memorable phrases from the movies.…

Rubik’s Cube Plush Toy

There are variations on the Rubik's Cube that make it more challenging, such as Rubik's Revenge Cube 4 X 4,…

Star Wars Darth Vader Coffee Mug

If you drink Darth Vader Coffee, you better be drinking it from this Star Wars Darth Vader Coffee Mug. It…

Futurama Series 1 Plush Bender, Nibbler & Zoidberg

Fans of Futurama rejoice! With the release of the Futurama Series 1 plush toys, you can now play with Bender,…

Hello Kitty Collector’s Edition Yahtzee Game

Rolling dice just got cuter than Demi Moore in "Indecent Proposal." The Hello Kitty Collector's Edition Yahtzee game set is…

Terminator 2 Judgment Day T-800 Endoskull Replica

This spectacular full 1:1 scale Terminator 2 Judgment Day T-800 Endoskull Replica has a menacing presence. Detailed and intricate, features…

Darth Vader Limited Edition Cookie Jar

Fans of the Death Star and Boba Fett cookie jars will definitely want to take a look at the Darth…