Energy Food

Jacked Up Caffeinated Baking Sugar

Something special is cooking when you use Jacked Up Caffeinated Baking Sugar. Something that will keep you on your toes…

50 Cups of Coffee Tub o’ Caffeinated Candy

Do you want to be caffeinated, but don't want to drink cup after cup of coffee? Of course you do.…

Foosh Energy Mints Review

Last month we introduced you to Foosh Energy Mints, and now we thoroughly test them out in this Foosh Energy…

Foosh Energy Mints

GeekAlerts has shown you plenty of energy drinks and energy foods in the past, but the Foosh Energy Mints take…

All-Natural Caffeinated Maple Syrup

Do you want to add a little kick to your waffles or pancakes? Something that will pick you up and…

Tac Snac Tactical Snack Sticks

What are you going to eat when the Zombies attack? You are bound to get very hungry fighting for survival.…

Father’s Day Gift Packs

If you're like most of us, you probably haven't even begun to think about Father's's not until the 17th,…

Arrr Barrr – The Pirate Nut & Fruit Bar

Are you getting ready to pillage and plunder, but feel a little low on energy? Grab and Arrr Barrr –…

Crackheads Candy

Nothing like their famous brother, Lemonheads (no real relation), Crackheads avoid the sour and go straight to the caffeine goodness.…

Sigmund Freud’s Fruit and Nut Bar

Sigmund Freud paved the way for verbal psychotherapy thanks to his deep understanding of the human mind. Taking a few…

Gamer Food Caffeinated Energy Snacks

Any gamer knows that when you are in the midst of a massive gaming session, you need snacks. Fuel for…

AeroShots Breathable Energy Shot

Tired of drinking your energy from a coffee cup or can? Wish you could inhale it instead? Well, this is…

Jelly Belly Sport Beans

Energy drinks have been around for a while now, but suddenly there seems to be a whole new emergence of…

Reindeer Pâté

As a kid I often wondered if Rudolph, Dancer, Dasher and the rest of the crew aged or they just…

Ed Hardy Energy Snacks Review

While just about everyone is familiar with the Ed Hardy brand of clothing (especially the t-shirts), it may be news…

CaffeinAll Gourmet Caffeine

Like many of you out there, we at GeekAlerts depend on caffeine for a number of reasons. Some of us…

Highly Caffeinated Brownies and Cookies

When a double venti espresso followed by a Red Bull chaser just isn't enough, (yeah, you know who I'm talking…

Caffeinated Chocolate Milk Straws

We all know we should eat a little healthier; probably add protein and cut some carbs. That's a lot easier…

Reese’s Creamy Peanut Butter

For candy lovers and fans of the World's Largest Gummy Bear and 26" Gummy Worm, we've got a product that…

Bawls Mints

Looking for that candy with a fizzy kick to keep you going.  Try Bawls Mints.  These mints are spiked with…