
3D Ribs Dress

You've heard about some women who go on extreme diets to get that figure that photo shopped models have. But…

Black Knit Robot Dress

These days, you can wear your personality in a dress. If black is one of your favorite colors and you…

Hello Kitty Face Dress

Everyone enjoys Hello Kitty and why shouldn't you? She's cute, cuddly, and has a bow. GeekAlerts and many of our…

Nintendo Gameboy Tube Dress

A couple weeks back we posted about the Nintendo Gameboy Dress, and it was a huge hit. I'm not sure…

Strapless Nintendo Dress

The girl of your dreams might not be an avid video gamer, but what if she were sporting a skin-tight Nintendo Game…

Star Trek TriCut Dress

Remember the women of the original Star Trek? There was just something about those dresses that was super sexy. It…