
Pleo Robot Dinosaur at Sea World (Video)

If the Alien Stress Reliever doesn't do the trick for you, maybe this video clip of Pleo visiting Sea World…

Primeval – Flying R/C Dinosaur

The design of this radio controlled flying prehistoric creatures is inspired by ITV’s Primeval - a British science fiction drama…

Pleo News for Developers

A brand new section specifically geared toward Pleo robot dinosaur developers has just been launched over at the PleoWorld website.…

Pleo Dinosaur Performance Editing Tools (Video)

The AIBO super hackers have entered the Pleo party full strength by porting one of their most powerful and fun…

R/C Robot T-Rex

This R/C T-rex might be small in comparison to the replica we saw a few days ago, but it's still…

Life-Sized Tyrannosaurus Rex Dinosaur Replica

So you want to outcool your neighbors Camarasaurus replica? No problem, that plant eater doesn't stand a chance against this…

Pleo Robot Dinosaur Officially in Production

In a announcement sent out to those on Ugobe's mailing list for official Pleo news and updates, Ugobe stated that…

Pleo Robot Dinosaur in Action (video)

Here's the first professionally shot video that shows tons of people petting, cooing, baby talking, and losing their composure over…

Pleo Robot Dinosaur Disguised as a Lamb

Some Ugobe folk wanted to see if a fully furry Pleo would still function properly (respond to touch, fuss &…

Dinosaur Plush Webcam

The day before yesterday we had a post about this cute little Dinosaur Webcam. If you add plush and a…

Dinosaur Webcam

If you don't like futuristic looking webcams like the wireless R2-D2 and the Robot one, then here's a chance to…

Pleo Robot Dinosaur at SAAG 2007 (video)

At a recent SAAG 2007 meeting (Sacramento Area Aibo Gathering), YouTube videographer and SAAG member EllysDogHouse took this beautiful high…

LEGO Creator: Monster Dino

Monster Dino is the name of the latest addition in the LEGO Creator family. A total of 792 pieces is…

Inflatable Dinosaur World Globe

Discover the ancient world of dinosaurs with the Inflatable Dinosaur World Globe with Stand ($7). It measures 12 inches (30.5cm)…

Top 10 13 Strangest R/C Toys

PC Magazine has published a list of the Top 10 Strangest R/C Toys. A lot of good stuff in there…