
Star Trek 4 Piece Dinner Set

Normally if you ask someone "Star Trek or Star Wars?" they'll assume you're talking about movies. However, you could be…

Star Wars Solo Lando Dinnerware Collection

While this Star Wars Solo Lando Dinnerware Collection is inspired by the Solo: A Star Wars Story Movie, its golden…

Harry Potter Hogwarts House Dinner Set

Harry Potter has captured the hearts of fans all around the world, but many struggle with the question of which…

Skull Appetizer Plates

While they'd be ideal for a Halloween party, I could see using these cool Skull Appetizer Plates anytime I was…

Landscape Dinner Set

Mealtime for kids can sometimes turn into quite a challenge. Kids can get quite difficult, especially if they don't like…

Record Placemats

When dining with record label executives and music big-wigs you want to wow them, so you can get that big…

Bubble Plate Set

If you're a geek who likes to entertain and impress with your mad cooking skills, then you're going to want…

Buttered Up Butter Dish

How many toast-inspired objects have you seen out there? The GeekAlerts staff definitely knows a thing or two about getting toasted.…

Wheelbarrow Salad Bowl with Wooden Serving Utensils

What does Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh use to cart away his fresh harvests of cabbage, carrots, and other leafy…

Row Boat Salad Bowl with Wood Serving Utensils

When the salad's good, the salad's good. But sometimes, some salads looks pretty roughed up when it comes to presentation.…

Bingo Card Plate

If you love bingo and everything that has to do with it, then you'll enjoy having these Bingo Card Plates…

TV Dinner Magnet

Remember when the TV dinner first came out? You had to pierce holes in one compartment and roll back the…

Oliver Peppermint Stick Appetizer Plate

There's always that kid who can't resist licking a metal pole in the dead of winter. While the aftermath is no fun…

City Plates

Are you in need of a cool set of dinnerware, or maybe you just want to show off a little…

Airplane Food Placemats

Trying to get your kids to enjoy dinner and actually come to the table is never easy.  Maybe you can…

Transforming Castle Dinner Set

Eat like a King (queen, knight, or princess) with the Princess Platter or Knight's Meal transforming castle dinner sets. Each…

Wrench Ware

Wrench Ware ($30) - a wrench-handled knife, crescent-wrench spoon and ratchet fork. Made of stainless steel and delivered in a…

Space Dinnerware

Do you sometimes feel like saying "Eat up in T-minus 10 minutes"? Have a look at the Space Shuttle Dinnerware…